Member Services


Member Benefits

Membership benefits start immediately and joining is simple. Membership includes access to all our support services. We're here to help you provide even better care for your community.


Provider credentialing is necessary to receive in-network reimbursement from payers. The ability to accept patient insurance plans is essential for the success of your practice.

We are here to ensure that your office obtains its credentials accurately and on time so that you can begin receiving reimbursement as soon as possible. We have the experience and knowledge you need to get through the process with the least amount of worry.

Prior Authorization

Not all practices have the time or expertise to build a doctor referral network. We can provide dedicated staff to ensure referrals are done timely and efficiently which results in quicker turn around times for patient follow up appointments with patients getting the care in the time frame their health needs require.

Quicker turnaround times for approved referrals gets the referrals out to the specialists faster and patients are not waiting to get scheduled.

Billing Administration

Filing claims and collecting payments from commercial and government payers is the financial lifeblood of healthcare organizations.  Our Billing Program is aimed at providing a customizable revenue cycle management package that’s based on your clinic’s needs and goals.

Practice Consulting

We can help you streamline your organizational operations. We provide troubleshooting operational needs, assist in recruiting, assist in compliance and personnel/human resource issues.

Value Based Contracting

EOIPA contracts with health insurance plans allowing residents of Eastern Oregon managed care contracting services.

Need some help?

Please contact us today.

Our team is available to answer membership questions as well as support any of our independent practitioners in Eastern Oregon.